Why to follow a language course at Pouya-Bèta?
Why to follow a language course at Pouya-Bèta?
Waar vinden onze cursussen plaats?
At the moment our courses take place in both Utrecht and Amsterdam. In these two cities you easily have access to many facilities and you can visit many universities and "hoge scholen" to get information for your later study.
Full explanation
Newcomers in The Netherlands from outside the EU are obligated to take the "inburgeringsexamen". Pouya-bèta assists and serves those who want to work toward this exam.
The staatsexamen NT2 "Nederlands als tweede taal" (=dutch as second language) has been created to test the language proficiency of those who want to follow a Dutch education at the MBO (NT2 level 1 required), or at the HBO or university (NT2 level 2 required). Don't you have the intention to follow such a course/education, but you do need to learn dutch for other reasons? No problem, we are here to help you reach your goal and master the Dutch language.
You can attent our day classes through the whole year, from a specific starting date of course. Our day courses take mostly place in small groups where individual attention is given to everyone, and whereby it is possible to learn the dutch language with a small group from your own level. You learn the dutch language and culture, society and politics with the help of experienced and skillful teachers.
Are you planning to study in The Netherlands and do you need to learn other subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and English? Well, you can follow all of these courses at Pouya-Bèta. We have an separate department for this: "Het Pouya Schakeljaar" (The Pouya transition year). With our special transition year, you'll be fully prepared for your chosen study and you'll learn all the subject including dutch. You can also follow only one subject as a course.
To apply for our NT2 courses you can send a mail to: info@Pouya-Beta.nl or register directly by filling our registration form.
You can find our price overview in the tab "tarieven". If you have any further questions you can contact us through:
Fiscaal advies
Professioneel fiscaal advies voor bedrijven en particulieren.
Studie advies nodig
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Trumanlaan 70-72
3527 BR Utrecht
Locatie 1 : Amsterdam Zuid
Locatie 2: Utrecht
Locatie 3 : Groningen